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AIDA64 Elevation of Privileges via Arbitrary Physical Memory Mapping


The AIDA Kernel Driver does not validate data received from the IRP->SystemBuffer.

Some IOCTL codes implement a logic where parameters arriving from the SystemBuffer are directly passed without validation to a routine that:

  • Execute the MmMapIoSpace function which takes physical address, length, and cache type (hardcoded to 0) and maps specified physical memory into system memory.
  • Execute IoAllocateMdl that uses the virtual address from MmMapIoSpace and the same Length value to associate the created MDL (Memory Descriptor List) with an IRP (I/O Request Packet).
  • Then calls MmBuildMdlForNonPagedPool, that takes the newly created MDL and initialize the memory for the buffer.
  • Finally, a call to MmMapLockedPagesSpecifyCache, which takes the allocated physical memory and maps it to a user-mode buffer.

Any user on the system can fully control the Physical Address and the size passed to the MmMapIoSpace, and gets back the associated mapped user-mode address.

This technique can be successfully exploited using a physical memory “scanning” approach to find an elevated process token (Ruben Boonen - IBM X-Force), egregiously explained by h0mbre

Affected by the vulnerability was the 0x80112104 IOCTL code.

The weakness was discovered during February 2024 and was assigned CVE-2024-26507.

Vulnerable code

IOCTL Dispatch

if (IOCTL_Code == 0x80112104) {
  if (SystemBufferSize == 0x48) {
    (IRP->IoStatus).field0_0x0.Status = -0x3ffffff3;
  else {
    BOOL res = AllocatePageMdl(*(DWORD*)Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer,
                               *(DWORD*)(Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer + 0x4),
                               *(UINT*)(Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer + 0x8),
                               (UINT64)&(Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer + 0x0C),
                               (PVOID)&(Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer + 0x14),
                               (PVOID)&(Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer + 0x1C));
    if (res == FALSE) {
      (IRP->IoStatus).field0_0x0.Status = -0x3fffffc2;
    else {
      (IRP->IoStatus).Information = 0xFFFF;
      (IRP->IoStatus).field0_0x0.Status = 0;
  goto LAB_0001ba56;

Vulnerable Function

BOOL AllocatePageMdl(DWORD phyAddressLow,DWORD phyAddressHigh,DWORD dwSize,LPVOID *lpPhyAddress,
                    LPVOID *lpUserBuffer,PMDLX *pPmdl){
  PHYSICAL_ADDRESS PhysicalAddress;
  PVOID pvVar1;
  PMDL MemoryDescriptorList;
  PhysicalAddress.field0.HighPart = phyAddressHigh;
  PhysicalAddress.field0.LowPart = phyAddressLow;
  pvVar1 = MmMapIoSpace(PhysicalAddress,(ulonglong)dwSize,MmNonCached);
  *lpPhyAddress = pvVar1;
  if (pvVar1 != (PVOID)0x0) {
    MemoryDescriptorList = IoAllocateMdl(pvVar1,dwSize,'\0','\0',(PIRP)0x0);
    *pPmdl = MemoryDescriptorList;
    if (MemoryDescriptorList != (PMDL)0x0) {
      pvVar1 = MmMapLockedPagesSpecifyCache
      *lpUserBuffer = pvVar1;
      if (pvVar1 != (PVOID)0x0) {
        return 1;
  return 0;


During the review, it was possible for a low-privileged user in low integrity to elevate his privileges to NT System.

Proof of concept:


No fix has been released or planned to be released for this bug.
