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Privilege Escalation via Template Modification


The application allows admin to modify ASPX templates for the entire site. This behaviour could be exploited to achieve a Privilege Escalation (from web application access to OS-shell access). This can be easily done by modifying a template with a known ASPX WebShell, which will allow to execute arbitrary commands to.

Affected is the file MonoX.MonoSoftware.MonoX.Admin.PageManagerPageTemplates, as it allows to upload an arbitrary ASPX template via the ctlUpload_radUploadfile0 parameter. The manipulation of a page template leads to remote command execution on the underlying server. CWE is classifying the issue as CWE-553. This is going to have an impact on confidentiality, integrity, and availability.

The weakness was discovered during April 2020 and it is uniquely identified as CVE-2020-12470. The exploitability is told to be trivial. It is possible to launch the attack remotely. A single authentication is necessary for exploitation. Technical details are known, but no public exploit has been released to the public.


To reproduce the vulnerability the below steps should be followed:

  • Install the service on a web server
  • Login to the server as admin
  • Navigate to Admin Area->Pages
  • Right Click to a page (e.g. Blog.aspx)
  • From the drop-down menu, choose manage templates
  • Upload the PoC template (i.e template.aspx), choose it as the template for the page and save
  • Navigate to http://monox.local/Blog.aspx
  • See the webshell


No official fix is available for this issue.
